In June 2022, flooding along the Yellowstone River and its tributaries caused catastrophic damage to infrastructure, resources, lives, and livelihoods. In October of that year, conservation and disaster-recovery leaders in Carbon, Park, and Stillwater Counties joined state and federal agency partners for a Yellowstone Flood Recovery Information Sharing Meeting hosted by MWCC and DNRC Water Resources. They now meet every six months to discuss long-term strategies for recovery and resilience for the next natural disaster.
Below is a list of resources shared by meeting participants for long-term recovery, restoration, and resilience toward future disasters. Some are specific to the Yellowstone floods. Others may apply to any natural disaster. Together, they provide tools for medium- and long-term recovery and for preparing our communities for future natural disasters.
- Post-Flood Yellowstone River: Recovery Basics. Helpful information on river geomorphology and post-flood Best Management Practices (BMPs). Created by the Upper Yellowstone River Advisory Committee, partnered with the Upper Yellowstone Watershed Group.
- Montana State Library 2022 Floods GIS Data Hub
- USGS Flood Event Viewer for the June 2022 Yellowstone Floods
- Montana Disaster and Emergency Services Contact List, with phone numbers and email addresses.
- Colorado Disaster Recovery: Lessons Learned. A step-by-step guidebook for flood disaster recovery, from immediate response to long-term restoration to best practices for preparing for the next disaster. Based on lessons learned during Colorado’s response to 2013 flooding..
- Colorado Resiliency Office under the Department of Local Affairs. COR helps communities prepare long-range restoration and resiliency plans after natural disasters strike. DES is important in real time, but it is what we do after the emergency has subsided that really defines how resilient our recovery efforts will be to the next disaster.
- Big Thompson River Master Restoration Plan that was prompted due to their flood of record that occurred in 2013. Much of this planning work was funded through the NRCS-EWP program.
- Floodplains by Design is a program in Washington that is helping communities plan to be resilient to both flood and drought impacts.
- Natural Hazard Mitigation online trainings and resources, including training modules for Creating Co-Benefits Through Hazard Mitigation Planning and Water Resource Management. These U.S. EPA resources help water quality and hazard mitigation professionals integrate water quality issues, water resource management, and nature-based practices into state and local Hazard Mitigation Plans.
- State of Montana Mitigation Funding Resource Guide, produced by FEMA Region 8 in September 2022. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ Provides a spectrum of potential mitigation funding sources to support individuals, local and state officials, and other stakeholders in determining the best source(s) of funding and technical assistance for potential mitigation projects.
- Reducing Losses Through Higher Regulatory Standards: A Study of the 2013 C olorado Floods by FEMA Region 8. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
- A quick guide to recovery when your home has been flooded and protecting your home or other building from future flooding, by the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
- Large Woody Debris Fact Sheet that Montana State Agencies DEQ, DNRC, FWP, and DES put together in response to the flooding in June and a lot of the cleanup work now going on. Highlights the importance of woody debris as a natural alternative to rip rap.
- After the Flood: Emotional Stress and How to Manage It. Tips for taking care of your emotional health after a disaster.
- Disaster Mental Health Resources. Helplines and Tip Sheets for coping with grief and trauma after a disaster.